Pelo décimo sétimo ano consecutivo, o Departamento de Cinema e Artes dos Media da Universidade Lusófona com o apoio da Fundação Luso-Americana e do Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual, organiza mais uma semana internacional Audiovisual e Multimedia.

Uma semana repleta de workshops, palestras e demonstrações, visando a formação de formadores e alunos nas mais recentes tecnologias relacionadas com Cinema e Multimédia, assim como a divulgação de trabalhos produzidos pelos nossos alunos. O tema principal deste ano é "Contar Histórias", e o foco será no desenvolvimento de habilidades de colaboração entre os alunos que trabalham em diferentes áreas da produção cinematográfica e a compreensão do papel que cada profissão tem no desenvolvimento de um filme.

For the seventeenth year the Film & Media Arts Department at Lusófona University organizes an International Audiovisual and Multimedia Week of workshops, lectures and demonstration, targeting the training of trainers and students in the latest film related technologies and the dissemination of students produced work. The main theme for this year is “Story Telling”, focusing on the development of collaboration skills between students working in different areas of film production and the understanding of the role different professions have in developing a film.

SEMINÁRIO “Cinema independente estilo Nova Iorque – 35 filmes mais tarde” / SEMINAR “Independent Filmmaking New York City Style – 35 Films Later”

Prof. responsável Teacher
Andrew Fierberg (Produtor, Realizador, Professor Associado Producer Director, Associate at the Carpenter Center, Harvard University)
Data Date
3ª feira 16 Dezembro Tuesday December 2014
Duração Duration
10h00 às 13h00 – 14h00 às 17h00
Auditório Armando Guebuza- Biblioteca Victor de Sá, Universidade Lusófona
Limite Limit
Entrada livre mediante inscrição Free entry upon registration

Um dia com o Produtor e Realizador A day with Producer/Director ANDREW FIERBERG

Andrew Fierberg Bio

EL CIELO ES AZUL is Andrew Fierberg’s directoral debut.

Mr. Fierberg has produced over 30 provocative award winning independent films. His feature films include Steven Shainberg’s SECRETARY and FUR: AN IMAGINARY PORTRAIT OF DIANE ARBUS, Lodge Kerrigan’s KEANE, Sally Potter’s YES and RAGE, Michael Almereyda’s HAMLET, Jill Sprecher’s 13 CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ONE THING, Jonathan Nossiter’s SUNDAY, Gina Kim’s NEVER FOREVER, and Zoe Cassavette’s BROKEN ENGLISH.

He has championed the early acting careers of Maggie Gyllenhaal, Abigail Breslin, Julia Stiles, Amy Ryan and Vera Farmiga, and worked with other such notable actors as Bill Murray, Nicole Kidman, Robert Downey Jr., Judi Dench, Jude Law, Joan Allen, Ethan Hawke, Davis Suchet, Sam Shepard and Alan Arkin.


He has produced with Steven Soderbergh, David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Spike Lee and Woody Allen. Mr. Fierberg has created pioneering work on the cross over between the cinema and the art gallery, having produced Isaac Julien’s BALTIMORE, Sharon Lockhart’s LUNCHBREAK and Mika Rottenberg’s SQUEEZE.

His latest international producing venture is the upcoming Mexican film, LAS PAREDES HABLAN, based on the novel by the award-winning author Carmen Boullosa.

Andrew sits on the Finance Committee of the Film Forum, is on the Board of Advisors of Bomb Magazine and is an Associate at Harvard University’s Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. He lives and works in New York City.

Apoio Support Fundação Luso-Americana ICA – Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual